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Coimbatore, India

Coimbatore’s growth as a center for higher education, PSGIM (the premier educational institution in Coimbatore) and the University of Toledo have had a well-established relationship for the last four years, with students from Coimbatore completing the second year of the MBA program at the University of Toledo.  There have been faculty exchanges, joint research projects and a televised conference between the family business leaders. Coimbatore is also a center for culture.  Musicians, dancers, artists, and educators regularly visit Toledo to give performances.


In 2009, the City of Coimbatore established an international sister city relationship with the City of Toledo, to foster friendship between citizens and cultivate international cooperation. This effort was led by Dr. Subba Rao and Dr. Ragu-Nathan. Mr. Ram Ramanujam heads the Cultural Committee. Coimbatore, known as the Manchester of South India, is home to a large number of textile mills, textile machinery manufacturers, hosiery units and engineering industries.

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Paresh Dalwalla




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